Display your ads in the advertising spaces of Google’s partner websites

Once your Google Search campaigns are well established, you can take things a step further. Reach even more potential customers by showing your advertising banners on Google’s partner websites to hundreds of thousands of users who have an interest in your products and services through Google Display campaigns. Precisely target your audience by selecting interests (technology, travel, sports & fitness, etc.), buying intentions (purchase of a phone, search for all-inclusives, subscription to a training program, etc.), the languages ​​and the locations of your top-paying audiences or those similar to your top-paying audiences.

Display your ads in the advertising spaces of Google’s partner websites

The 3 main benefits of a Google Display campaign


You promote your business

Audience targeting is designed to get you discovered by customers whose interests are close to your products and services. Your visibility is wide with the Display!


You multiply clicks to your website

The more people visit your website, the greater your chances of selling. The Display brings in a large volume of customers before they even begin their search for products and services similar to yours.


You can retarget your users

When a user has already visited your website without buying, you can reach them again on Google’s partner websites with targeted Google Display campaigns.

Display campaigns get you known to those who should know you.

Profitable audience segmentation with Google Display campaigns

Detailed Demographics

Detailed Demographics

Focus on users whose profile matches your target customers. Age, gender, place of residence, profession, family situation and income can, for example, be selected to only target qualified users.

Affinity audience

Affinity audience

The habits, interests and things that your target customers are passionate about speak volumes about their potential desire to request your services or buy your products. Target those with the greatest profitability potential for your business.

Custom segments

Custom segments

Custom segments allow you to go further in your audience targeting. For example, you can target users who have had recent buying intentions related to the products and services you want to sell. A very practical method if you are in a niche market!

Life events

Life events

Those who are moving, getting married or retiring can be targeted by your Google Display campaigns if your products and services are related to them. By being visible when they need it most, you maximize your chances of conversions.

In-market audience

In-market audience

For a maximum number of conversions, only target users who are actively searching for products and services similar to yours, and therefore close to buying, with in-market audience targeting.

Your data segments

Your data segments

Target specific users by taking advantage of your CRM data: those who have already visited your website, your current customers, and those who resemble your current customers.

Let's find the best campaign strategy for your business

Let's find the best campaign strategy for your business

Come see us to set up the types of campaigns that will be most profitable based on your industry, prospects, products and services. With us, get real results with your digital advertising campaigns.

Let's talk about your options