New features in online advertising are great opportunities to stand out in terms of performance and visibility. In Google Ads specifically, they also usually make it possible to better structure your campaigns, resulting in an increased number of qualified potential customers, for a better profitability. Businesses really have everything to gain by testing new features!

Here are 3 of them that you can test now in your campaigns before they are adopted en masse.

1. Advanced Broad match brand control option (beta only)

What is this new Google Ads feature?

Google Ads' new Broad match brand control feature provides more control over the broad match keywords of a brand campaign by only showing ads when the phrase typed into Google is directly related to the company name.

Indeed, without the new advanced control, an ad may be triggered as soon as a word similar to the name of the company or even a word related to the company's sector is typed in Google, without a direct link to the brand. The goal of this type of campaign being to isolate the name of the brand, we don't get the expected results here.

Example without the advanced Broad match brand control option: Searching for the keyword “marketing” in Google may trigger an ad in the BDion Marketing brand campaign.

Example with the advanced Broad match brand control option: Searching for the keyword “marketing” in Google does not trigger an ad in the BDion Marketing brand campaign, thus saving unnecessary clicks from unqualified customers.

Example of a Google Ads campaign with the Broad match brand control option

We tested it for you

We activated the advanced control in the Google Ads account of a business that targeted its brand name and got:

  • 17% savings in cost per conversion (better ROI).
  • 26% increase in conversion rate (more new customers).

How do I enable the advanced control (beta only)?

  1. Go to the campaign settings.
  2. Click on the arrow to the right of “Broad match keywords.”
  3. Enable the feature.
Screenshot of the section to enable the Broad match brand control feature

2. Lead form setting

What is this new Google Ads feature?

The new Google Ads Lead form setting allows to display a contact form when a potential customer interacts with an ad.

The extension is particularly effective when you want to quickly launch an online ad campaign without having to optimize an entire landing page on your website, or challenge the cost per conversion and conversion rate of an existing campaign.

Example of a Google Ads campaign with the Lead form extension

How do I enable the advanced control?

  1. Go to the campaign settings.
  2. Click on the arrow to the right of “Lead form setting.”
  3. Check the box to enable the feature.

3. Business name & Business logo ad extensions (beta only)

What is this new Google Ads feature?

The Business name and Business logo extensions help showcase your brand visually in your text ads.

At a glance, potential customers will recognize you before they even read your ad content. An undeniable advantage over your competitors, if they have not yet tested the new feature!

Example of a Google Ads campaign with the Business name & logo extensions

How do I enable the advanced control?

In some accounts, the feature is automatically enabled. In such a case, be sure that your logo is of good quality and that the name of your company is well written by going to the Assets section. If the feature hasn't been automatically enabled in your account, go to this section to do it manually.

Want to be one step ahead of your competitors?

Be among the firsts to test the new features in your Google Ads campaigns! Talk with our team of specialists to find out which ones will bring you the most results according to your objectives and your business sector.

Let’s test new features for your profitability

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